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Fakultät Statistik
Wissenschaflicher Mitarbeiter

Dr. Kevin Leckey





  • Ingenieurs-Statistik/Technometrics
  • Robuste Statistik (inbesondere mittels Datentiefen)
  • Stochastische Analyse von Algorithmen



  • Vorlesung "Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Statistik in den Ingenieurwissenschaften" (WS 19/20)
  • Vorlesung "Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Statistik in den Ingenieurwissenschaften" (WS 18/19)



  • Malcherczyk, D., Leckey, K., and Müller, C. H. (2021). K-sign depth: From asymptotics to efficient implementation. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 215, 344-355.
  • Heinrich, J., Maurer, R., Leckey, K., Müller C.H. and Ickstadt, K. (2021) Detektieren ermüdungsbedingter Spannstahlbrüche mittels Rissmonitoring im Versuch und am Bauwerk. Bauingenieur 96(3).
  • Leckey, K., Müller, C.H., Szugat, S. and Maurer, R. (2020) Prediction intervals for load-sharing systems in accelerated life testing. Quality and Reliability Engineering International 36(6), 1895-1915.
  • Leckey, K., Mitsche, D. and Wormald, N. (2020). The height of depth-weighted random recursive trees. Random Structures & Algorithms 56(3), 851-866.
  • Leckey, K. and Wormald, N. (2019) A Limit Theorem for the Six-length of Random Functional Graphs with a Fixed Degree Sequence. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 26(4).
  • Leckey, K. (2019) On densities for solutions to stochastic fixed point equations. Random Structures & Algorithms 54(3), 528-558.
  • Leckey, K.,  Neininger, R. and Sulzbach, H. (2019) Process convergence for the complexity of Radix Selection on Markov sources. Stochastic Processes and their Applications 129(2), 507-538.
  • Leckey, K. and Neininger, R. (2013) Asymptotic analysis of Hoppe trees. Journal of Applied Probability 50, 228-238.


Proceedings/Extended Abstracts:

  • Leckey, K. (2019) Prediction Intervals for Load Sharing Systems with Acceleration. 11th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR2019).
  • Leckey, K., Neininger, R. and Sulzbach, H. (2014) Analysis of radix selection on Markov sources. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 14), 253-264.
  • Leckey, K., Neininger, R. and Szpankowski, W. (2013) Towards More Realistic Probabilistic Models for Data Structures: The External Path Length in Tries under the Markov Model. Proceedings of ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA),  877-886.


Eingereichte Arbeiten in Revision:

  • Leckey, K., Heinrich, J., Müller, C.H., and Maurer, R. Model checks and simultaneous prediction bands for load sharing models in prestressed concrete beams. Submitted for publication.
  • Leckey, K., Malcherczyk, D. and Müller, C.H. Powerful generalized sign tests based on sign depth. Preprint available here. (12/20)
  • Leckey, K., Neininger, R. and Szpankowski, W. A Limit Theorem for Radix Sort and Tries with Markovian Input. Submitted for publication.


Publizierte Abschlussarbeiten:

  • Leckey, K. (2015) Probabilistic Analysis of Radix Algorithms on Markov Sources. Doctoral Thesis, published by the Univ.-Bibliothek Frankfurt am Main.
  • Leckey, K. (2012) Asymptotische Eigenschaften von Hoppe-Bäumen (in German). Master's Thesis, published by the Univ.-Bibliothek Frankfurt am Main.